Tag Archives: gabriel

The big mistake

“I’m not lovable.” (Also known as, “I’m not good enough.”)

Distill any unhappiness down to its essence, and you will find some variation on this belief. Common stories go something like this: “Someone inflicted trauma, therefore I am unlovable, or not good enough.”

It is understandable how you could draw these conclusions, erroneous though they may be. However, these beliefs (lies) can only be held as long as one perceives through the lens of dualistic (small mind) thinking.

“I’m not lovable” — holding this belief requires the perception that there are two distinct entities, subject and object, and that the subject (the giver of love) refuses to give love to the object (the starving, would-be recipient of love) because the object is not worthy of receiving love.

This is the big mistake.

The truth is not the opposite– “I am lovable” — the truth is “I am LOVE.” How can one not be lovable when one IS the act of LOVE?

“I’m not good enough.” The opposite is not “I am good enough”… the truth is, “I am GOODNESS.”

These misperceptions become habitual thought patterns when you continue to look outside of yourself for validation from external sources; sensory experiences such as relationships, food, clothing, movies, travel… the list goes on.

Your journey of remembering that you are the Source of Love involves healing this misperception.

Instead of looking outward for validation, turn inward. Look to your own heart. That is where you will find the truth that has always been with you: You ARE love. You ARE goodness. You ARE compassion. You ARE hope. You ARE divine wisdom. No matter what behaviors you have or have not exhibited on this plane of existence, your divine nature is unshakable. Unquestionable. Bullet-proof.

Go inward. Turn away from all that you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, and think about. This is known as releasing attachment. It’s perfectly fine to engage in daily life– just do so recognizing that all sensory experience is to be set gently aside… they are not what is important– they are not what matters– they are not what is real. Only the internal world of the heart is real.

Look inward and remember.

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So perhaps now is the time to manifest a new way of being in the world. A world that has no attachments to the past or the future. A place where not a smidgen of question about these things amounts to anything.

This is what we say to you. If doubt is what you choose, so you have chosen. If anger is what you choose, so you have chosen. Is this what you want? Where is your mindfulness?

Let us get to the heart of the matter. Where is your heart-full-ness? The heart of the matter — the meat. The heart does not know past and present. It simply is. The mind will play with the heart, but the heart does not change based on the mind’s experience. It stays unhurt.

Anahata. Blameless.

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The river

A massive, powerful, majestic river flows unimpeded… unblinking…

A leaf falls from the branch of an overhanging tree onto the surface of the water, and is swept downstream. The river, noticing this leaf, admires its beauty and begins to identify itself with it.

“What a wonder of beauty is this leaf,” says the river. “It is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

After a few days, the river says, “This is my leaf. I must carry it with great care. I must ensure that it never gets lost. Or stolen. It would break my heart to see it go!”

A few days later, the river says, “I am a leaf! I am the most beautiful leaf EVER! Those ;leaves up in the trees are no match for my beauty! My color… my curves… everything about me is perfect! I am the perfect leaf! To protect my beauty, I must be very careful. I must avoid getting wet!”

Just then, a crow swoops down over the water and plucks the out the leaf, carrying it away, into the sunset.

The river sobs. “I have died! I am no longer! Who AM I if not the most beautiful leaf in the world?”

Meanwhile, all the animals, trees, clouds, mountains… all of creation kneels with reverence, bowing to the limitless power of the life-giving river.

Remember: You are the river. Always. You are not the physical body. You are the limitless Source of all love and life.


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Security in 3-D

The interplay between chemistry and emotion in the human body / experience can be confusing and limiting, we know. In the midst of wanting to feel loved and cherished, at the precise time when you forget that you already are Love and Cherishing, of course it can seem like the “only way out” of pain, sadness, and suffering is through chemistry — through changing the chemical balance of the physical body by introducing endorphins or other altering compounds.

We understand.

Yet this is the very dimension where you have volunteered to experience re-membering that you are none other than expression of the Divine — to demonstrate to other seemingly separate souls what it looks like to surrender seeming “security” in 3-D… Security which cannot ever be secured in the temporary, 3-D expression of Reality, mind you.

The boundless energy of youth; the house and mortgage; the family… no matter how emotionally attached to these concepts you may feel, they follow the transitory nature of being. They are illusion. (They have a beginning, middle, and an end. Time-bound.)

There is no “other”. There is only One. And you are it. In this moment. And everything you see is a reflection of your own brilliance. To you it may seem to be in disguise, but we assure you — look deeply and you will see that you are I AM. Time reveals itself to be illusion, and collapses. The human body, with its limited perception, is laid aside, as are all human dreams, which are revealed to be tiny in comparison to the brilliance of the Source of Love — the I AM, which is no other than you!

The very idea of achieving “security” on your plane is laughable, in the sense that selfishness leads to despair. The only “security” in your 3-D world is acknowledgement of the transitory nature of 3-D existence, and dedication to a life of service to a Higher Good.

Only through sacrifice of the ego comes recognition of eternal life. Since eternal life is all there is, “you” can never lose “it.” But even these terms, in this limited human language, suggest separation between subject and object — “you” and “eternal life.”

This is all part of the beauty of the expression of the I AM — the Universe dancing for the joy of dancing. Surrender your fear and dance!

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Waiting for inspiration

You keep waiting for your mind to tell you what to do. We see your wisdom does not come from your mind. It is everything we see in you. Intellect is not helpful when seeking your life’s purpose. Your mind cannot tell you your purpose; only your heart can. You keep listening with your ears and trying to see with your eyes, and then you wonder why you think you are not arriving anywhere. What could it be like to not try to see with the mind?

You sit with pen and paper in hand, waiting for inspiration. That inspiration is already there. We invite you to tune in to what you feel instead of what you think. What flows from that place of quiet mind, full heart is all the answers that you could never even think of the questions for– answers without questions. Forget thinking there is a quest for something. This idea of seeking something creates a path for the small mind/ego to take you down the rabbit hole of fear and doubt. The deeper you go, the less free you become.

Your ego seems to think that you are the one who creates by doing things. It is the Divine working through you that creates. Everything you need is provided for you; you need only sweep out the house to clear the way for all the Divine inspiration you can possibly express. It will be so clear that there can be no argument to be made from the small mind to dissolve inspiration.

It is clear to us that you are at a crossroad. You may choose the path that is known or unknown. No matter what the path, you must be open to all without fear and without having to know anything. Just do what you love and we download all means of bringing forth the You that is being called upon to aspire and inspire. Life without borders. Living without borders. Limitlessness. Overflowing constantly, with no worry from the Source of the flow, because it is indeed limitless.

You are limitless because Source is limitless. Be an open channel for all goodness to flow through and all will be made pure and sweet and full — full of joy. Full of boundless energy, harmony and ripeness. It is all your Higher Self is seeking to teach you. Open that channel that there will be no further need to seek or be sought.

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